When it comes to writing spring festival scrolls in English, we can say \"write the spring festival scrolls\". Writing spring festival scrolls is a traditional activity during the Chinese New Year to express good wishes and blessings for the coming year.
春联(Spring Festival Scrolls)又叫\"通对\"、\"对联\"、\"门联\",描绘了中国传统新年的习俗和文化特色。春联常常用红纸书写,悬挂在门上,寓意着家庭的繁荣和幸福。
贴对联的英文可以说为\"贴春联\" (Paste Spring Festival Scrolls),\"粘对联\" (Stick Antithetical Couplets),或者\"悬挂对联\" (Hang Antithetical Couplets)。在中国的春节期间,人们愿意在家门口贴上对联以表达对新年的美好期望和祝福。
对对联可以用英文表达为\"play couplets game\",它是一项富有乐趣和创意的活动。人们在春节期间往往会聚在一起,互相比赛和对对联,以展示自己的才华和智慧。这是一种既能促进亲情,又能增强团结合作意识的活动。
春节对联的英文翻译可以是\"couplets of the Spring Festival\". 在中国春节期间,人们会在房屋门口贴上春联,这些红色的卷轴上写有吉祥的对联,寓意着新的一年将充满幸福和好运。
- 扫尘 - clean off dust
- 贴窗花 - affix window paper-cut
- 贴年画 - paste pictures
- 守岁 - stay up all night
- 放爆竹 - set off firecrackers
挂春联的英文翻译可以说为\"hang the Spring Festival Scrolls\"。人们会将挂有吉祥对联的卷轴悬挂在家门口,以祈求新的一年家庭平安、幸福和繁荣。
Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It celebrates the beginning of a new year according to the lunar calendar. During the Spring Festival, people engage in various traditional activities, such as setting off firecrackers and pasting antithetical couplets.
Setting off firecrackers is believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck for the coming year. The loud sound of firecrackers echoes through the streets and creates a festive atmosphere. Pasting antithetical couplets is another important tradition during the Spring Festival. It involves writing pairs of poetic phrases on red paper and sticking them on both sides of the door. This practice is believed to bring blessings and good fortune to the household.
The combination of setting off firecrackers and pasting antithetical couplets adds excitement and joy to the festive celebration. It is a time for families to gather together, exchange blessings, and create fond memories. The traditions of setting off firecrackers and pasting antithetical couplets reflect the cultural heritage and lively spirit of the Chinese New Year.
WewillpreparefortheSpringFestival,suchas making dumplings, posting the spring festival scrolls, and setting off firecrackers. These preparations are essential parts of the Chinese New Year celebration, each with its own special meaning and significance.
Making dumplings is a traditional activity that brings families together. It symbolizes reunion and good fortune. The process of making dumplings involves kneading the dough, filling it with various ingredients, and shaping them into bite-sized dumplings. It requires teamwork and coordination, making it a fun and interactive activity for everyone.
Posting the spring festival scrolls is another important tradition during the Chinese New Year. It involves writing poetic phrases on red paper and sticking them on doors or walls. The phrases are carefully chosen to bring blessings and good luck for the coming year. The red color symbolizes happiness and prosperity.
Setting off firecrackers is a thrilling and noisy tradition during the Chinese New Year. It is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune. The sound of firecrackers is believed to scare away negative energy and welcome in the new year with positive vibes.
Preparing for the Spring Festival by making dumplings, posting the spring festival scrolls, and setting off firecrackers is not only a way to participate in traditions but also a way to express good wishes and blessings for the new year. It is a time for families to come together, enjoy delicious food, and create cherished memories.